Transform your relationship with Cannabis to transform your life.  

The Conscious Cannabis Collective was created by Cannabis Expert and a Leader of the Cannabis Movement, Ryan Sprague, to provide people the opportunity to completely transform their lives through their relationship with Cannabis. 

-Cultivate a healthy relationship with the plant and deepen your understanding of your internal realtiy.

-Learn how to tune in to the ceremonial, psychedelic, and healing nature of Cannabis to tap into your own innate medicine. 

 -Learn how to work with Cannabis to heal and expand your reality to create the life you envision for yourself.

True to Ryan’s Nature, The Conscious Cannabis Collective  is specifically designed to stand apart from all other options — meaning your experience will include ways to build a healthy relationship with Cannabis, gain an advanced understanding of the science, psychology, and spiritual aspects of working with this plant,  and a complete training system for working with Cannabis in dissolving unconscious wounds to tap into your potential and find your purpose. 
And as a bonus, members of our community also gain access to a complete system for growing the highest-quality cannabis at home.
Not only will you create the richest and deepest experiences you’ve ever experienced with the plant, you'll unlock entirely new perspectives and you’ll have the CCC Team and a community of growth-minded individuals on the path with you.



Spots are limited.

Join the waitlist now.

Doors open May 27th

Why join the waitlist? This is why…

  • One-Time-Only Special Price!
  • Take the Conscious Cannabis Quiz 

    This is a comprehensive experience that helps you build a deeper understanding of your relationship with Cannabis and the opportunities available. 
  • The Conscious Cannabis Workbook (as featured on The Aubrey Marcus Podcast): Elevate Your Experience With Cannabis Using “The Highly Optimized Way."

    This is essential reading with actionable steps for anyone hungry for a taste of what a conscious relationship with cannabis can do for them in their individual experience of life.
  • Enrollment is limited (During our enrollment periods we only accept a limited number of new members to ensure that every individual is fully supported on their journey. 

    Joining the waitlist does not commit you to enrollment, but waitlist reservations are required to access the group coaching membership. 
  • Get access to GROW WITH CANNABIS.  A world-class home-growing course with everything you need to grow the highest quality Cannabis at home. (Normally $497)
  • After enrolling in this launch, you will get a FREE 1:1 with Ryan Sprague. (Normally $399) (Due to the growth of our community we will no longer be offering complimentary 1:1's after this re-launch). 

Join The Waitlist & Get All The Perks

Once you sign up, make sure you check all of your email folders. Add me to your address book to make sure my emails hit your inbox. You’re not gonna wanna miss that special discount price! You can unsubscribe anytime.